Nursing Services

When to keep your child home

Children should be kept home from school when they don't feel well. It is important to get the rest they need to recover, and to prevent the spread of germs to other children and the staff. If you are unsure of when to keep your child home, please contact the school nurse or your family medical provider.


A temperature of 100.00 or higher indicates a fever. If your child has a temp of 100.00 or higher at school he/she will be sent home. Your child should be fever free for 24 hours and without the use of a fever reducer (Tylenol or Ibuprofen product) before he/she returns to school.

Strep Throat:

If a fever is accompanied by a sore throat, stomachache or headache it may be strep throat. Strep throat is diagnosed by a throat culture obtained at a medical clinic. If your child is treated with antibiotics for strep, he/she must stay home for 3 doses and/or 24 hours before returning to school.

Vomiting and diarrhea:

If your child has an episode of vomiting or diarrhea at school, he/she will be sent home. Anyone with either of these symptoms should stay home until symptoms are absent for 24 hours.


Pink eye or Conjunctivitis appears as a pinkish sclera (white of the eye), it is usually itchy and painful. Drainage or crust may form on the eyelids. A visit to the doctor is needed to confirm pink eye and it must be treated for 24 hours with antibiotic eye drops before returning to school.


Consult with your child's health care provider regarding a rash of unknown cause. Your child will need a Return to School Note from their health care provider before coming back to school. Many skin rashes such as impetigo, scabies, fifth disease or Hand Foot and Mouth disease are very contagious. Students may return to school once the rash has been diagnosed and treated for 24 hours or cleared by a doctor. Students with chicken pox may return to school when all the scabs are completely dried and no new lesions are developing (usually 5-7 days).


A cough may be a sign of many different illnesses. If a cough is accompanied by a fever, sore throat, body aches or any other symptoms you should keep your child home. Any cough that lasts for more than several days should be discussed with a doctor.


If live lice are found on a student at school, the student will be sent home for treatment. The child may return after a treatment and no live lice are found on the head (This can be the same day). If you discover lice at home, please contact the school nurse to discuss the best way to get rid of lice and determine when your child may return to school.


If a student has an injury that causes continuous discomfort, the student should not attend school until the condition is checked by a doctor or it improves. Injuries that interfere with class participation need a medical evaluation. If participation in physical education classes is not recommended, a doctor's excuse is required.

Uninsured/Underinsured Clinic Information

Rock River Community Clinic - Dental and Health Care Services. Locations in Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Watertown, and Whitewater. Charges are based on a sliding scale. 

(262) 472-6839

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