Discrimination and Harassment

Nondiscrimination Policy 2264


Title IX Nondiscrimination Policy Statement – As mandated by the current provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and under the regulations set forth in Chapter 106 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations (“the federal Title IX regulations”), the District does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that the District operates.  Title IX’s requirement not to discriminate in any education program or activity extends to cover, but is not limited to, District students, certain admissions processes, and District employment. Inquiries regarding how Title IX and the federal Title IX regulations apply to the District may be referred to a District Title IX Coordinator (as designated below), to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education, or to both.

The District’s commitment to nondiscrimination under Title IX and under other state and federal laws is further defined in the following policies of the School Board: e.g., Policy 113, Policy 411, Policy 411.1, Policy 511, and Policy 512.

District Title IX Coordinators – The District employee who holds each of the positions identified serve as the Title IX Coordinator for the District: Director of Pupil Services, Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator, the District’s McKinney Vento Coordinator, the District’s federal Age Discrimination Act Coordinator, as well as the employee who is designated to receive any student discrimination complaints arising under section 118.13 of the state statutes and Chapter PI 9 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.

Director of Pupil Services & Special Education
Director de Servicios Estudiantiles y Educación Especial
813 N Monroe St
Waterloo, WI 53594
[email protected]

Reporting Sex Discrimination – Any person (including a person who is not claiming to have been personally harmed/victimized by the alleged discrimination) may report a concern or allegation regarding prohibited sex discrimination (including sexual harassment) to the District.  Such reports may be submitted as follows:

To the District Title IX Coordinator, either in person, by U.S. mail, by telephone, or by electronic mail, using the contact information listed above. In person reports should be made when the Title IX Coordinator is reasonably available during regular working hours. Reports submitted by telephone, mail, or electronic mail may be made at any time.

By any other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator actually receiving the person's verbal or written report.

Filing Formal Complaints of Title IX Sexual Harassment – As required by the federal Title IX regulations, the District has established a formal grievance process for investigating and resolving “formal complaints” of “sexual harassment,” as those terms are defined in the regulations.

An individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment under the federal Title IX regulations (i.e., a Title IX “complainant”), or a parent or guardian who has a legal right to act on behalf of such an individual, may file a formal complaint of sexual harassment.  No Title IX complainant is obligated to file a formal complaint, but a qualifying formal complaint is necessary for the District to start an investigation using the District’s formal Title IX grievance process.

Complainants are expected to file formal complaints of sexual harassment with the District Title IX Coordinator by submitting a document or electronic submission in person, by U.S. mail, or by electronic mail / file attached to email, using the contact information specified above.

Additional requirements for formal complaints of Title IX sexual harassment, including a description of the required content for a formal complaint, are set forth in Policy 113 within the School Board’s policies.

District Response to Reports and Complaints of Sex Discrimination and to Formal Complaints of Sexual Harassment under Title IX – The District has established grievance procedures through which the District structures its response to reports that allege unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity of the District. Those procedures are set forth in 411-Rule 1 and 511-Rule 1, as published on the District’s website. The purpose of such procedures is to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of any report or complaint of alleged sex discrimination, excluding formal complaints of sexual harassment under Title IX (which are subject to a different process, outlined in Policy 113: Rule 1).

Any time that the District has actual knowledge of sexual harassment or allegations of sexual harassment that could constitute a violation of Title IX, the District has obligations to respond to such knowledge in a manner that is not deliberately indifferent and in a manner that treats the alleged victim(s) of sexual harassment and the alleged perpetrator(s) of sexual harassment equitably. Such a response includes, but is not limited to, offering supportive measures to a complainant and investigating and resolving any formal complaint that presents allegations of Title IX sexual harassment using the formal grievance process that the District has adopted for such formal complaints. District procedures for responding to alleged sexual harassment under Title IX, including the formal grievance process, are set forth in Policy 113, 113: Rule 1, and 113: Rule 3 published on the District’s website.

Further information regarding Title IX, Employee Expectations related to nondiscrimination and sexual harassment, and the grievance process can be found at https://www.waterloo.k12.wi.us/district/board_of_education/policies

Adoption Date: August 10, 2020

Policy 411.05 Student Discrimination Complaint Procedures

411.15 Reporting of Bullying or Harassment

Every attempt should be made to resolve student discrimination and harassment complaints at the level closest to which they occur (ex. classroom, building, district). Except as otherwise provided, a complaint should be presented verbally or in writing to the principal or a designated student complaint facilitator.

Please see School Board Policy & Procedure on Student Discrimination and Harassment.

Any student who believes that he or she has been the target of unlawful discrimination or harassment shall bring the complaint to the attention of the Superintendent or the school's designated student complaint facilitator, Michele Armentrout, Director of Pupil Services. The complaint may be made either orally or in writing.

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