School communications regarding COVID-19 are sent out to families via Skyward and posted here. Any questions can be directed to District Administrator Brian Henning.
Last Day of School
At the Waterloo School Board meeting on April 27, 2020, the Board voted to make the last day for all home-based instruction Friday, May 22, 2020. This will be the last day of classes for students. This is a change from the originally scheduled last day of school that was set for early June on the original school calendar. Teachers and staff will have commitments past this date, but students are expected to have all items completed and turned in by this date.
Senior Commencement Ceremony
The 2020 Senior Commencement Ceremony Scheduled for June 7th will occur in drive-up format. Details have been emailed.
8th Grade Promotion
An 8th grade promotion ceremony is still being reviewed for this school year. Middle School staff and Administration are developing plans of how to recognize these students. A tentative plan is to make a video for 8th grade promotion, along with delivering an 8th grade promotion certificate and cupcake for each student at their home address. More information regarding 8th grade promotion will be shared with the 8th grade students and families in May.
4th Term Grading Policy for grades 5-12
The final term 3 grades will be used as a baseline for term 4 grading.
Students will be given grades as they are performing for meaningful feedback.
Virtual and Distance learning engagement and performance can only improve the term 3 baseline grade for the final term 4 grade.
If there is no engagement or completion of work during the 4th term the grade for term 4 can be dropped one grade level. (Example - Term 3 grade = B. In this situation the term 4 grade = C)
There will be no grades for Spanish in grades 5 and 6.
For Term classes, if a student has not had the class prior to term 4 their 2019-2020 cumulative grade point average (GPA) at the end of term 3 will be used as a baseline grade. (Example - A student that has a 3.0 GPA will start the class with a B and can only improve the grade) For high school this relates to Personal Finance and Career Skills. For middle school this relates to Agriculture, Technical Education, Careers, and Art.
If there are barriers to virtual learning the parents can contact the building principal for an exemption to the grade drop
End of the year Report cards for PreK-4
We will grade the same as previous terms, but there won’t be a number next to each standard on the report card as some skills are not able to be assessed during virtual learning.
12th Grade Chromebooks/Cap and Gown Pickup
Seniors will drop off Chromebooks, chargers, and cases on Friday, May 22 when they pick up their cap and gown. The time frame for the seniors to drop off/pickup is 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Families should check the parent/student handbook for any associated fees for missing and damaged Chromebooks, chargers, and cases. Location of drop-off and pick-up will be under the Waterloo Elementary School entry canopy. Please enter through the bus loop.
8th Grade Chromebooks
8th grade students will drop off Chromebooks, chargers, and cases on Friday, May 22 between 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. They will receive new Chromebooks in the fall.
5th-7th Grade and 9th-11th Grade Chromebooks
Students in grades 5-7 and grades 9-11 will keep their Chromebooks, chargers, and cases for the summer. If there is any damage to Chromebooks, chargers, or cases or they aren’t working properly, please call the appropriate school office and our tech team will assist with getting it fixed. Students can also email [email protected] to receive assistance. If a student moves over the summer, Chromebooks, chargers, and cases should be returned to the school office. Families should check the parent/student handbook for any associated fees for missing and damaged Chromebooks, chargers, and cases. A reminder to all students and families that you will need this Chromebook at the start of the 2020 school year.
Summer School
We continue to evaluate how and when we will be able to hold Summer School. More information regarding summer school will follow as our Governor releases state orders and plans in May.
Food Service Meals
To date, it is the plan to offer student meals on Thursday’s through the first week of June. We are working on a plan that could extend that into the summer. More information will be forthcoming regarding this topic.
Library Materials & Textbooks
Seniors will return books and calculators on Friday, May 22 during the 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. drop off/pickup time. PK-11 library materials will be collected in the fall as well as any curricular textbooks. Families should check the parent/student handbook for any associated fees for missing and damaged library materials and textbooks. Library materials can also be returned to the homework collection box from now until the last day of school. Library books found in lockers were returned to the library.
Construction Projects
The new field-house gymnasium is scheduled to be complete at the end of June. The summer projects will primarily consist of bathroom renovation throughout the District, roof replacement, heating ventilating and air-conditioning upgrades, parking lot and drainage work, building security, and ADA accessibility. Due to everyone being out of the building, contractors have been able to get a jump start on finishing the remaining projects before the September 1st project completion date. Both upper and lower parking lots will be inaccessible for the majority of the summer. Please plan to use the bus lane or adjacent street parking if you have business to complete at the school building this summer. Further information will be put out regarding summer school and traffic flow at a later date.
April 22, 2020
The Waterloo School District Staff have cleared out all student lockers and desks for the school year. All student items have been bagged for curbside pickup.
We will be holding a curbside pickup for all families on Thursday, April 30th from noon to 6:00 pm. Families are invited to pull in through the bus lane, remain in your car and a staff member will bring your student’s items directly to your car.
If you have any specific questions, please contact your child’s teacher or their corresponding office.
Thank you,
Brian C. Henning
District Administrator
Waterloo School District
April 16, 2020
Parents, Guardians, Students, and Staff,
As a result of today's announcement from Governor Tony Evers which states that the Wisconsin 'Stay At Home Order' will be extended, we now know that students will not return to school for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. We will continue to work with students through home-bound instruction for the remainder of the year. Please watch for updates in the coming days regarding:
1. An alternative plan for the Senior Commencement Ceremony
2. A new official end date for the school year
3. A plan to have students in small groups come in to school and clean out lockers and desks for the year
Thank you,
Brian C. Henning
District Administrator
Waterloo School District
April 16, 2020
Governor Tony Evers 'Stay At Home Order' has been extended, and Waterloo students will not return to school for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year.
March 27, 2020
We hope everyone is staying healthy and safe during this time. We don’t want to inundate your email with a ton of messages, but there have been some questions regarding student work and the start of the 4th term.
Please see below for important reminders:
•The end of term 3 is Friday, March 27.
•Spring break is still Monday, April 6 - Friday, April 10
â—¦Similar to if we were in school there would be “no school” during this time.
•Term 4 will begin on Monday, April 13
•Teachers may be providing work to students during the week of Monday, March 30 - Friday,April 3. This will be enrichment work and not graded, but it will give students the opportunity to continue learning.
We will send out pertinent information from the PreK-8 office when necessary, but will leave most of the communication between the students, teachers, and families to avoid email overload.
This learning from home for all students is new to all of us and we are constantly problem solving ways to improve our practice.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call the PreK-8 office, but it may be easier to email us at the address below.
Thank you and Go Pirates!
Shawn Bartelt ([email protected]) and Elizabeth Gould ([email protected])
March 25, 2020
Parents, Guardians, Students, and Staff,
As a result of Governor Tony Evers 'Stay at Home Order' the Waterloo School District will now be officially closed through Friday, April 24, 2020. This includes all activities and events scheduled during this time.
The District will be offering the Thursday meal bundles through the extended closure date, please contact the school to be added to this list.
In addition, there are indications that the closure will ultimately last the duration of the school year, and we recommend parents make plans accordingly. However, please note the official closure date is only through April 24th at this point in time.
Thank you,
Brian C. Henning
March 23, 2020
Good afternoon,
This is Shawn Bartelt, PreK-8 Principal in the Waterloo School District.
Today is Monday, March 23, 2020 and the Waterloo Elementary and Intermediate Schools will be having a curbside pickup of essential materials from 5-7pm tonight.
Due to the new “Safer at Home” order that Governor Tony Evers is putting into place on Tuesday (tomorrow), we want to be proactive and provide students with materials to complete their learning from home for an extended period of time.
Students in grades 4K-4 will be provided with workbooks such as math, spelling, reading. The elementary curbside pickup will be in the bus loop.
Students in grades 5 and 6 will only need to pick up their Chromebook (if they didn’t pick it up last week). The intermediate curbside pickup will be by the PreK-8 office student drop-off area.
Students in grades 7 and 8 do not need to pick up Chromebooks since they take them home every night (and should as a result already have them home).
High school students will continue with lessons on their Chromebook and will not need to come for a curbside pickup.
When you come for pickup, please keep social distance from one another as mandated by Governor Evers (6 ft apart) and do not congregate.
We appreciate your understanding with this short notice.
March 21, 2020
Good morning Parents / Guardians,
We hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. Some students have received mail from their teachers that contains packets of homework and others have been using their Chromebook to complete work. There has been some questions about how to return the hard copies (paper packets) to school.
Please see below for options to return homework.
- Hard copies of homework can be returned to the vestibule of the PreK-8 office (district office entrance). There is a box in the vestibule to place the completed work. The work will then be scanned and emailed to the teacher.
- If families are able to, hard copies of homework can be scanned at home and emailed directly to their teacher.
- Families can take a picture of the completed work and email it directly to their teacher.
- Homework that was given electronically can be submitted via Google Classroom or emailed directly to their teacher.
Important reminders
- If students are submitting hard copies of work to the vestibule in the PreK-8 office they must put their first name, last name, and the name of the teacher on the front page.
- Students / families should only go in the vestibule and not the school. If a student needs to enter the building the family needs to call the PreK- 8 office or the district office ahead of time.
- The end of the term is Friday, March 27. All work that students complete would need to be submitted by this date.
- We highly encourage that students complete all of the work they receive from the teachers, but understand that it is not possible for some students to complete work. If this is the case for your student, do not stress about completing the work that was provided.
If you have any questions please call the PreK-8 office or the district office.
Stay healthy everyone. We hope to see you all soon!
Go Pirates!
Shawn Bartelt
PK-8 Principal
March 18, 2020 2:30 pm
Dear Families,
Yesterday Governor Tony Evers released a public press statement to Wisconsin citizens stating that schools across the State of Wisconsin will be closed for the duration of the Public Health crisis. I do not believe anyone can predict how long this crisis will last. I also believe that it is advisable that families make preparations for the school closure to last past April 10th. The District will continue to seek clarification from the Governor and try to obtain more information about how long the school closure will last. As soon as we know more we will update everyone. Thank you for your patience in this process
Thank you,
Brian C. Henning
District Administrator
Waterloo School District
March 17, 2020 3:00 pm
Public Press Release from Governor Evers
March 16, 2020 2:00 PM
Read about how to reserve student meal bundles!
Food for WSD Families
March 16 - 2:00 PM
Letter to Families - Home-based Instruction
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
Today Waterloo School District teachers and staff spent time sending out home-based instructional materials to students across the District. Some items were sent electronically and other items are being mailed through the US postal service. We are asking students and parents to do their best at accomplishing these assignments that were sent home. However, we fully understand that not everyone has internet service and are aware that other barriers will prohibit students from being able to accomplish work in the home setting. We are simply asking that everyone try their best and for those that cannot complete the work, we will be giving students another chance to accomplish the work after we return to school in mid-April. We appreciate your patience during these unprecedented times, and we want you to know that the Waterloo School District is committed to doing everything we can to help students get through this crisis. If you have, any concerns please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or one of the offices with questions.
Brian C. Henning
District Administrator
Waterloo School District
16 de marzo de 2020
Estimados padres, tutores y estudiantes,
Hoy, los maestros y el personal del Distrito Escolar de Waterloo pasaron tiempo enviando materiales de instrucción en el hogar a los estudiantes de todo el Distrito. Algunos artículos se enviaron electrónicamente y otros se envían por correo. Les pedimos a los estudiantes y a los padres que hagan su mejor esfuerzo para lograr estas tareas que fueron enviadas a casa. Sin embargo, entendemos completamente que no todos tienen servicio de internet y somos conscientes de que otras barreras impedirán que los estudiantes puedan realizar el trabajo en el hogar. Simplemente estamos pidiendo que todos hagan lo mejor que puedan y para aquellos que no pueden completar el trabajo, les daremos a los estudiantes otra oportunidad de realizar el trabajo después de regresar a la escuela en el abril. Apreciamos su paciencia durante estos tiempos sin precedentes, y queremos que sepa que el Distrito Escolar de Waterloo está comprometido a hacer todo lo posible para ayudar a los estudiantes a superar esta crisis. Si tiene alguna inquietud, no dude en ponerse en contacto con el maestro de su hijo o una de las oficinas con preguntas.
Brian C. Henning
Administrador del distrito
Distrito escolar de Waterloo
March 15, 2020
2:05 pm
Good afternoon Parents, Guardians, Students, and Staff,
The Waterloo School Board in conjunction with the Public Health Department has ordered the Waterloo School District to close school effective immediately. All students should plan to be away from school starting today, Sunday March 15, 2020 through April 10, 2020. This includes all activities and events related to the Waterloo School District, including the fitness center, pool, and swimming lessons. Any student that needs to obtain anything from the school building will need to come in from 8:00 am to noon on Monday to do so. Teachers will be mailing by U.S. Postal or contacting students via Google classroom to encourage homebound instruction. Families are asked to support the homebound instruction the best they can, but we fully understand that this will be difficult for some students and accommodations will be given. All staff are asked to report to school on Monday for a full day of planning and preparation. Staff are to report for work at their normal time on Monday. Again, school is canceled Sunday, March 15, 2020 through April 10, 2020 for the Waterloo School District. This includes all related activities and use of the school building.
Thank you,
Brian C. Henning
District Administrator
March 13, 2020
Waterloo School District
The Waterloo School District is planning to close school at the end of the day on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 and remain closed through Friday, April 10, 2020. All sporting events and practices will be canceled though April 5, 2020. Please check back frequently for more updates.
March 12 - 5:15 pm - Letter to Families in English & Spanish
On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, Governor Tony Evers mandated in a statement that all schools in Wisconsin will remain closed for the full duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency.